Saturday, 24 December 2016

what are we

been a while huh..
tadaaa am back. hey hey. well i wanted to write a post but then again life happen yo. no one can escape that right. so lets talk. open up..which i rarely do. so lets
it's been a while dayan. haiii sorry i've been missing and not at the same time. am always here. just being me invisible i guess. anyway it's getting awkward between us huh. haha i guess that's what happen when you don't communicate with them after a while.

i'm here you know. that's all i wanna say really. hahaha
you need to talk or someone to listen to. i am always there. if i get to you  a bit late. sorry. it's either am super busy or am in shitty mood or am driving or etc. but i will get back to you.

you know when i make this blog. well technically you made me make this blog so i guess it's your blog slash our blog sometime. and i agreed because a part of me want us to stay in good relationship even tho we already breaking up. to bring us back to the place that make us happy at some point and to cherish the memories.

break up is hard. it's hurting and everyone have their own way of coping with it. what sadden me is you one of a good person that i hurt. am not happy with that. but it doesn't mean i am not moving forward. and i really do hope that you do to. cause life is too short. we're two different people who just got caught up in situation that none of us can predict what's going to happen.

relationship is not for everyone. i wish i knew back than but i know that now. but am thankful because i got to know you and i learn about me more. i grow so much. all i hope is you get to grow as much as i did from the breakup and maybe more. find what makes you happy. and by god love is not everything. there's a lot out there that you can experience. and learn about youself and what can make you happy. just got to go out and explore.

like you said move forward. you fall you get on your feet and walk again. true. am good don't worry if you're wondering. ngeeee~ in my own way that is.
life is short. say what you want to say. do what you want to do. don't hold back you only got one life and live it to the fullest. i am trying to live too. working hard to stay alive.
and for those wondering what happen between us. breakup happen. life happen. falling out of love happen. it doesn't mean the feeling wasn't real. it doesn't mean i don't love her anymore either. you just grew. and you know when it doesn't click. you can't force it. at least for me that is. unfortunately the growing process for me is by putting two heart in pain. but it's okay. it's life lesson.

i wish life is kinder to you. live well.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Hey Birthday Girl.

Happy belated birthday Imani. Sorry for the late wish.
I hope you will always be fine. And if you're not, stay strong. Don't give up. You know you can do it.
Happy happy always, okay? Good luck in everything you do. :)